Zine Detail

AuthorCrowe, Robert, Kelsey Gordon, and Sophia GonzalezTitleSuper Zine, ThePublisherSeattle WA : University District You Kelsey: kkdg88@gmail.com Robert: robertc1990@hotmail.com Sophia: sophia.gonzales001@live.com University District Youth Center 4516 15th Ave NE Seattle WA 98105 Date
CategoryPop Culture MediazineEditionissue 2009, vol Description
A zine focused on super heroes from X-Men comics (Jean Grey, Storm) and World of Warcraft (Draenei). Created as part of the YWCA Working Zone zine project, a writing project for youth age 15-22 years led by Jane Mee Wong.

Comics Games Teens

Zine Archive and Publishing Project